We are leaving today for Guangzhou (used to be Canton) where the US Consulate is located. We will be there for 5 nights. I may not post every day if internet access is expensive and we may not being doing a whole lot during that time. Probably a lot of swimming with the kids and paperwork for the US Visa. We will be staying at the White Swan Hotel.
Yesterday we visited the Natural History Museum in Nanjing. It was interesting for Liam but Nyla complained the entire time until we told her she couldn't swim unless she stopped. I don't have pictures ready to post but I will try to post some from Guangzhou.
Ethan is doing well, although more fussy the last couple of days. He is cutting teeth, possibly hungry and grieving for his nanny. Those are our theories. We are feeding him according to his schedule from the orphanage, exactly what they told us except he will only take a little bit of rice cereal before he clamps his mouth shut. He is a big baby and so I think he needs more solid foods. We are just trying to figure it out day to day. Liam and Nyla are doing well also, getting a little stir crazy stuck in a hotel for so long, doing better than I expected ultimately. We will all be happy to get home. Thanks for following along.