Tuesday, August 28, 2007

US Visa

Update on post below: I mistakenly thought that we were going to the US Consulate at 4pm, but the bus was leaving at 2:45pm. Charlotte called our room looking for us and Patrick had just brought the kids back up from the pool and I was just finishing the post below. We scrambled to get ready and find our passports, we were the last family on the bus and were very embarrassed! Luckily, we got to the US Consulate before 4pm and we were sworn in without incident. Afterwards we went to Lucy's with the other families in our group to celebrate. We leave for home in the morning!

Yesterday, Charlotte our guide took all of our paperwork to the US Consulate and it was all ok. Today we take Ethan to the Consulate to be sworn in at 4pm. He will then be given a US Visa. We leave early tomorrow and have 3 flights until we get home. We should arrive in Buffalo at 10:30pm if all goes well.

Ethan is doing well and we are very thankful that he has been healthy on this trip, it really reduces our stress level. He laughs easily now and LOVES to be held which we do a lot of to make up for lost time. He is still not eating much but will attempt to taste things. I don't know if he just prefers the bottle or if it has anything to do with his cleft palate. But we will keep trying after we get home and haven't been pushing the food much since he drinks the bottles well. Actually he will drink every bottle dry and then always cries that is it all gone, like there should be 16 oz in there instead of only 8.

I took Liam and Nyla to the zoo this morning and will post a few pictures. We hope to see everyone soon and can't wait to get home!