Ethan had his palate revision 2 weeks ago today and he is doing well. This was a difficult surgery and it took him a week to get back to his usual busy self. The surgery took about 2 1/2 hours and the surgeon essentially opened his palate up completely and closed it again with the muscles in better position and also closing 2holes in the palate. Two weeks later we think it is healing well but the surgeon explained that the palate will be healing and rigid for about 4-6 wks. Once everything is healed the muscles may begin to move so that Ethan's speech will improve. Ethan has already started using p and b sounds much more clearly, those sounds he could not make for the last 2 years because air was escaping from his mouth through his nose. He is on a soft diet for a couple more weeks and other than that he seems to be happy and healing.
I also wanted to post a few pictures from our trip to Asian Culture camp on Cape Cod - Liam and Patrick did the ropes course and loved it!

Before Liam's soccer tournament the day before Ethan's surgery.

Ethan playing in bed around 4am, the staff gave him many gifts from a "treasure chest" which he made sure were in bed with us. He is also playing with the flashlight they used to check his incision.

Ethan home from the hospital the day after surgery, still very sleepy from pain meds.

Liam and Nyla in our backyard, fall 2009

Thanks again for checking in on Ethan and for your well wishes.