The kids are doing well aside from the winter bugs. Nyla and Liam are pretty good helpers. Ethan is busy busy busy. He is trying hard with the speech therapist and can sign about 15 words. He is also showing signs of separation anxiety if I leave him. This is great to see, a sign of attachment, plus he likes to give hugs and wet, messy kisses. Below he is cuddling with his favorite blanket that nonna made before we went to China.
Celebrating the Year of the Rat at our annual lunar new year party.
Ethan made a few friends, Drew was adopted from Korea and twins Isaac and John were adopted from Vietnam.
The last few months, Liam has been really busy with swim team on Saturdays and snowboarding lessons on Sundays. These will both end soon and we will move on to pitching machine - fun fun!
We hope everyone is doing well and that it is warming up in your neck of the woods! Happy Easter!