Just before going into surgery, a little nervous.
Not feeling very well after waking up post-op.
Patrick settles Ethan in the rocker.
Ready to go home after tubes and IV's taken out, not a happy camper!

Hello everyone. We are glad to be home earlier than expected from Pittsburgh Children's. Ethan had his palate repair on Wed, Nov 28th and we expected to stay at least 2 nights. But less than 24 hours after surgery he was drinking apple juice so well they let us take him home on Thurs! His first night out of surgery was really hard for Ethan. Once we got to the floor, the nurse alternated his pain medication and we rocked him to sleep with his favorite blanket. His heart rate came down and he didn't have any breathing problems overnight.
Ethan's surgery went well, his tubes were placed first and then Dr. Jiang closed his palate, although not in the technique he hoped to use due to his wide gap. Although he was able to close it, he was not able to elongate the palate as he normally would. This can affect his speech and he feels that he may have to redo his palate repair in 3-6 months. The good thing is that now that he has it closed, enough tissue will be available once everything heals to close his palate in the preferred method.
Now that we are home, we are getting more sleep and Ethan is adapting to the splints. When I pick him up the first thing he does is rub his face against my shirt, he has an itchy nose he can't scratch, very frustrating! Today is Friday and we are allowed to start formula, that should make him happier, he must be so hungry!