I am sorry I have not been very consistent with posts on the blog. I wanted to just write a quick note today to say Ethan is doing really well and getting big. On 9/13 he weighed 19.5 lbs at his checkup in Warren to start his immunizations. Despite having an ear infection after this appointment, his weight was up to 21 lbs on 10/3/07. We definitely feel the extra weight when we carry him around. Ethan loves mushed fruit, yogurt and pudding, but he is snubbing his nose at everything else. We think he has a definite sweet tooth.
Every day feels like it flies by. I want to stop and enjoy this time I have with young kids but there is always so much to do (Nyla is due to be picked up in a few minutes). I will post a couple of recent pictures of the kids. Nyla and Ethan just before her field trip to the apple cider farm and Liam in goal at soccer.
Thanks for all the well wishes, everyone have been so supportive and helpful. We really appreciate all the love!