We have been home for 4 days now and I think we are all finally getting over the jetlag. Ethan continues to wake up during night but usually after 3am. I have been more consistent with feeding him solid foods, some meals he eats great, others he takes only a few bites and he's done. I am hoping we get on a schedule where he is pretty content. His molars are also coming in, so I am not sure if that is affecting him these days. The last few days have been a big transition for him, new home, new bed, new faces, so we are just trying to meet his needs day to day and we're hoping that we are doing the right things. Tonight his sense of humor emerged, he was throwing his head back onto Nyla's lap and making her laugh over and over again. Today, he also followed her (as she led him with a balloon) out of my sight into another room. He has generally only stayed nearby my side for the last 2 weeks. I am happy to see those bonds develop.
On Saturday evening we tried our best to celebrate Nyla's 5th birthday. Liam fell asleep and missed the cake. Ethan was falling asleep drinking his bottle. Nyla was happy regardless, happy birthday!

I will try to continue posting Ethan's progress on this blog over the next several months until his palate surgery is completed. We have our first appointment in Pittsburgh on September 10th. I hope that we will know more after that visit. Until then, we are enjoying this beautiful fall weather, I know I am happy to be in a place with beautiful blue skies!