Ethan started 2 preschools this fall. One is for special needs and typical kids where he receives one on one speech therapy sessions 2 days a week, as well as other therapies. The other is an all day YMCA preschool where he goes to swim lessons and creative movement class, as well as allowing me to work a couple of days a week per diem nursing. For the first 2 weeks of school Ethan cried & sobbed (sometimes soaking my shoulder with tears) when we would drop him off. The preschool would report "missing mommy and daddy" for the day. It was depressing! I thought I would be so happy when he started school, after 2 years of chasing a very very active toddler boy! It was strange to not enjoy it and to wonder if I was doing the right thing. Thankfully, he started to enjoy his school day and the activities, now he usually goes to class and waves "bye mom", only occationally looking sad. I am concerned about the surgery in October and how he will transition back into school.
Liam started 3rd grade and Nyla started 1st grade in September. Liam is slowing getting used to the extra homework - with a lot of whining that first week! Nyla is reading above her grade level already and is eager to learn, ying and yang!
Over Labor Day weekend we visited the Lakes region of NH and just spent time together as a family, it was very relaxing.
Ethan gave us a big scare a couple of weeks ago by choking briefly, then swallowing this marble. We figured that he probably swallowed it, but I was so shaken up that we ran to the ER for a xray, it was in his stomach. Two days later it came out the other end and I was so excited I had to clean it up and get a photo of it. Needless to say our house is marble free again. Ethan was given the marble run only a month ago for his birthday, all the kids loved it but I guess we weren't ready for it!